西莓咕噜肉 Sweet and Sour Pork with Strawberries


[西莓咕噜肉] Sweet and Sour Pork with Strawberries

五花肉 200g
酱油 一茶匙
米酒 一茶匙
玉米粉 一茶匙

粘米粉 两汤匙
马铃薯粉 两汤匙
苏打粉 一茶匙
盐 一小撮
食油 一茶匙
鸡蛋 一粒
水 两汤匙

番茄酱 三汤匙
酸梅酱 一茶匙
米醋 半茶匙
急汁 半茶匙
蚝油 一茶匙
玉米粉 一茶匙
水 两汤匙
蒜蓉 2瓣
黄彩椒 1/3粒
青彩椒 1/3粒
草莓 6粒

1. 把五花肉腌制至少25分钟
2. 黄彩椒和青彩椒切丁
3. 草莓切小块
4. 面糊:粉过筛,全部搅拌成面糊,待用
5. 把已腌制好的五花肉倒入面糊里搅拌,炸成金黄色,待用
6. 酱汁:拌均,待用
7. 起锅热油,爆香蒜蓉,加入彩椒翻炒
8. 倒入酱汁,煮至浓绸,在加入炸肉和草莓,让每一块肉块都沾上酱汁

200g pork shoulder
1 tsp light soy sauce
1 tsp rice wine
1 tsp corn flour

2 tbsp rice flour
2 tbsp potato flour
1 tsp baking soda
pinch Salt
1 tsp cooking oil
1 egg
½ cup water

2 tbsp ketchup
1 tsp plum sauce
½ tsp rice vinegar
½ tsp worcestershire
1 tsp oyster sauce
1 tsp corn flour
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp water
1 clove of garlic(chopped)
½ red bell pepper
½ green bell pepper
6pcs of strawberries

1. Mix and let it marinate for 25 mins
2. Cut both red and green bell peppers into cubes
3. Cut strawberries into small pieces
4. Sift plain flour with corn flour,Mix batter until smooth
5. Coat pork with batter,Deep-fry until golden brown
6. For the sauce, mix well
7. Heat the wok and stir fry garlic, then the bell peppers
8. When you can smell the peppers add in the fried pork pieces and then the sweet and sour sauce then strawberries
9. Toss and cook until the sauce thickens, it's done

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